Welcome Snow Moon
The Snow Moon cycle starts with the New Moon on Jan 29th, culminates in a Full Moon on Feb 12th and fades to start a new cycle on Feb 26th.
What is the Snow Moon?
The Snow Moon is the 2nd lunar cycle after the new year. It falls in February, a time when there is usually snow blanketing much of the Northern hemisphere.
Why is it called the Snow Moon?
The Snow Moon's name comes from the excess of snow that falls in the north this time of year. This moon is also sometimes referred to as “Storm Moon", or because historically hunting can be tough this time of year, the "Hunger Moon".
How can we celebrate it?
In the north, snow brings light to the dark days on winter. To celebrate the Snow Moon, take time to enjoy and revel in the snow and the light it brings! Go for a walk in the snow today, examine a snowflake, go for a ski. Snuggle up by a fire, drink a hot cup of cocoa, stare out at the full bright moon. Let's teach our children to notice and enjoy winter! Winter is a time of rest and rejuvenation, without it, there is no Spring.
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